Pelaksanaan Restorative Justice Dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Tindak Pidana Percobaan Pencurian (Studi Kasus Di Kejaksaan Negeri Padang)
Restorative justice which is applied in Indonesia, is one of the case settlement mechanisms to change the formality of punishment, which formerly focused on imposing sanctions and misery on the perpetrator to mediation engaging the perpetrator, victim, perpetrator's or victim's family, and other parties involved in the case to collaborate and create a fair and balanced case settlement agreement for both parties in order to restore the pattern of good relations in society. One of the cases that were resolved by the Padang District Attorney through this method was the criminal act of attempted theft. The suspect did not carry out his plan since the claimed actions were known by the householder and residents, so the suspect’s actions were threatened by Article 362 and 53 Section (1) of the Criminal Code. In this case, the Prosecutor has the initiative to resolve this case by using restorative justice for the criminal act of attempted theft of a laptop and handphone, which were filed for a lawsuit against Article 362 and 53 Section (1) of the Criminal Code with a Prosecution Appointment Letter for the settlement of a criminal case Number: PRINT-3833/L. 3.10/Eoh.1/09/2022 dated 20 September 2022