Analisis Kepuasan Mahasiswa Terhadap Pelayanan Akademik Prodi Sastra Inggris Universitas Dharma Andalas Padang
Competition in the world of tertiary education is currently so rapidly. Both for public and private colleges. The government also began to apply certain standards to improve the university competence. English Literature Department at Dharma Andalas University, one of the private universities in Padang, is aware of this competition. One of the ways to get victory in inter-university competitions is to improve the service facilities that provided the students to gain satisfaction in addition for increasing other things. Research conducted on the relationship between service facilities provided by the English Literature Department and student satisfaction turned out that only a small proportion considered the existence of a relationship. This study uses a quantitative verification approach using descriptive and clear survey methods. Regression analysis is used to analyze data which referring to SPSS version 16. The result of this research is 34.48% of participants assume that reliability is the highest mean value, so it can be concluded that the aspect of reliability is the most influential aspect in the formation of the satisfaction felt by students for academic services provided by the English Literature Department at the Dharma University of Andalas Padang
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