<p>Jurnal RIVET (Riset dan Invensi Teknologi) merupakan Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Ilmiah yang diterbitkan Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Dharma Andalas yang terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Penyunting menerima kiriman naskah hasil kajian dan penelitian untuk bidang Rekayasa Struktur, Rekayasa dan Manajemen Konstruksi, Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air, Rekayasa Transportasi, Rekayasa Geoteknik dan Rekayasa Lingkungan serta Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja.<strong><br> </strong></p>Program Studi Teknik Sipilen-USJURNAL RIVET2798-205XFORENSIC INVESTIGATION Of THE SAMARINDA IBU dan ANAK HOSPITAL BUILDING: STRUCTURAL SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS
<p>In initiatives to enhance the quality of infrastructure, especially with regard to building stability and the avoidance of structural failure, the safety and comfort of visitors has taken center stage. In order to improve infrastructure, older or decaying buildings are frequently reinforced or renovated. This may entail repairing accumulated damage without requiring total demolition. In order to guarantee the structure's dependability and safety, these remodeling initiatives require careful assessment and study. Concerns over apparent settlement of the Ibu dan Anak Hospital building in Samarinda have been brought up, highlighting the significance of assessing structural integrity to guarantee ongoing safety and functionality. The purpose of this study is to conduct a thorough structural audit of the building in order to find any possible hazards and suggest any necessary improvements.</p> <p>The study assessment the building's stability and forecasts future settlement by simulating its behavior under various circumstances, including dynamic and static load scenarios, using sophisticated modeling software such as GEOSLOPE-GEOSTUDIO (Student Version). According to the aforementioned analytical results, there are signs that the hard soil layer is not reached by the pile depth, which causes settlement. Over the course of the following year, the settlement increased from 15.89 cm in the first 178 days to 17.64 cm. The analysis indicates that the settlement will stay at 31.65 cm for the next five years, therefore after 1,780 days, it is deemed stable.</p>Aco Wahyudi Efendi
2025-01-022025-01-02402465310.47233/rivet.v4i02.1678ANALISIS KONFLIK LALU LINTAS SIMPANG TAK BERSINYAL (Studi Kasus : Simpang 3 Parak Gadang, Kota Padang)
<p>Traffic conflict is a situation where there is potential for accidents or collisions between vehicles, pedestrians, or other road users. An intersection is a location on the road where flows from different directions meet, often leading to traffic conflicts. This research aims to identify conflict points occurring at the Parak Gadang 3-way intersection, analyze the causes of traffic conflicts at that location, and formulate handling strategies to reduce or avoid traffic conflicts at the Parak Gadang 3-way intersection. The study utilizes the Traffic Conflict Technique (TCT) method. The results show there were 239 conflict events, categorized into 3 types: crossing (73.22%), merging (22.17%), and diverging (4.6%). Out of the total 239 conflicts, 17 were classified as serious conflicts, while 222 were non-serious conflicts. Based on time to accident analysis, this intersection is categorized as having non-serious conflicts.</p> <p>Keywords: Unsignalized intersection, Traffic conflict, Accident, TCT.</p>Excel NemersWendi Boy
<p>Dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan konstruksi di Indonesia ditemui banyak kegagalan bangunan dengan salah satu penyebabnya adalah pelaksanaan konstruksi yang tidak sesuai dengan perencanaan mutu pekerjaan konstruksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekomendasikan standar prosedur pengendalian mutu pekerjaan struktur beton dengan teknologi precast. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan dilakukan pada proyek pembangunan rumah susun Sumatera Barat. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data dokumen meliputi RKS dan shop drawing, dan wawancara kepada responden terpilih kepada pemilik proyek, kontraktor dan supplier ready mix concrete. Temuan-temuan penelitian menghasilkan rekomendasi standar pengendalian mutu pekerjaan kolom, balok dan pelat dengan teknologi precast secara sistematis</p>Utami Dewi ArmanAfrilda SariMaiyozzi Chairi
2025-01-062025-01-06402667210.47233/rivet.v4i02.1789Tinjauan Ulang Dimensi Saluran Drainase Menggunakan Software Storm Water Management Model (Studi kasus : Desa Lubuk Suli Kecamatan Depati VII Kabupaten Kerinci)
<p>This journal contains a review of drainage channels using SWMM software modeling</p>Anisa HonestiAde Kurnia PutriDevit Rahmawati
2025-01-132025-01-13402738210.47233/rivet.v4i02.1791Analisa Perbandingan Rencana Mutu Kontrak (RMK) Antara Penyedia Jasa Dengan Standar Pekerjaan Umum
<p>One way that contractors or service providers do to provide satisfaction to customers or service users, by improving the quality of the services offered. One of the applications is to compare the Contract Quality Plan (RMK) Document implemented by contractors or service providers for the Solok City Hospital Development Advanced Project and the Marahadin Laing Football Field Construction Advanced Project. This research method is quantitative with a comparative method that compares two or more of a variable, situation, event, activity or in the form of similarities and differences in planning and implementation. Based on the evaluation of the completeness of the contents of the Contract Quality Plan (RMK) document, the total percent obtained from the evaluation of the completeness of the contents of the Contract Quality Plan Document (RMK) obtained from the Solok City Hospital Construction Continuation Project was 61.90% and the Marahadin Laing Football Field Construction Continuation Project was 54.76%. This assessment is carried out based on the completeness of the contents of the Contract Quality Plan Document which refers to the Contract Quality Plan Document (RMK) which regulates in the Regulation of the Minister of General Employment Number: 04/PRT/M/2009.</p>Kharisma Permata SariMaiyozzi ChairiMediana DesfitaRiki Hendra Faismon4
2025-01-132025-01-13402839210.47233/rivet.v4i02.1799Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Baja Ringan (Scrap) Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton
<p>Beton serat adalah Beton yang dalam proses pengadukannya ditambah dengan potongan serat, baik itu serat yang berasal dari alam atau buatan. Penggunaan serat untuk mencegah terjadinya retak–retak sehingga beton menjadi lebih daktail. Selain itu, cara pencampuran maupun pengerjaannya juga mempengaruhi kekuatannya, keawetan serta sifat beton tersebut. Pemakaian beton semakin besar penggunaannya, namun bahan penyusun yang digunakan semakin mahal dan terbatas. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji pada limbah baja ringan dengan persentase 6%, 8%, 10% dan 12% terhadap berat semen sebagai uji campuran beton yang telah ditentukan sebagai penelitian baru apakah dengan penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan hasil akhir dari campuran tersebut. Pengujian dengan cara destruktif digunakan untuk mengetahui kuat tekan pada beton yang dicampur dengan bahan tambah limbah baja ringan. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah kuat tekan beton normal yang di capai pada umur 28 hari mencapai 26,81 Mpa. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton rata–rata dengan persentase 6% (Scrap) sebesar 20,76 MPa, dengan persentase 8% (Scrap) sebesar 21,14 MPa, dengan persentase 10% (Scrap) sebesar 16,99 MPa dan persentase 12% (Scrap) sebesar 17,17 Mpa. Nilai kuat tekan beton tertinggi yaitu pada penambahan baja ringan dengan presentase 8% kemudian mengalami penurunan pada persentase 10% dan 12%. Bahwa pada penelitian ini penambahan limbah baja ringan (Scrap) pada beton dapat menyebabkan penurunan nilai kuat tekan beton.</p>Very Ferdian HidayatAde Kurnia PutriAri Endra Nasution