Tinjauan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Saat Pandemi Covid 19 di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dharma Andalas

The goal is to find out learning achievement during the Covid 19 pandemic by online learning at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dharma Andalas University. The study population was 515 people, a sample of 103 people with a sampling technique of 20% of the population. Data collection techniques for documentation studies and surveys used questionnaires and secondary data through library research. The dependent variable in the study of learning achievement (Y) and the independent variable using smartphones (X1) and online learning systems (X2). Before the data were analyzed, first the instrument test and the classical assumption test were carried out, it turned out that all the assumptions were met with the results of the multiple linear regression equation Y = 42,751 + 0.619X1 + 0.236X2 + e. The results of the t test and the F test show that the use of smartphones and online learning systems has a significant positive effect on the learning achievement of students of the FEB Management Study Program, Dharma Andalas University at the 5% significance level. Correlation of smartphone use and online learning systems with moderate learning achievement (0.683) and smartphone use, online learning achievement systems are able to explain the learning achievement of students of FEB Management Study Program, Dharma Andalas University 0.517, the remaining 48.33 is explained by other variables not included in the research model.
Tujuan untuk mengetahui prestasi belajar saat pandemi covid 19 dengan pembelajaran daring di Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Dharma Andalas. Populasi penelitian 515 orang sampel 103 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel 20% dari populasi. Teknik pengumpulan data studi dokumentasi dan survei memakai angket dan data sekunder melalui library research. Variabel terikat penelitian prestasi belajar (Y) dan variabel bebas penggunaan smartphone (X1) dan sistem pembelajaran daring (X2). Sebelum data dianalisis terlebih dahulu dilakukan uji instrumen dan uji asumsi klasik ternyata semua asumsi terpenuhi dengan hasil persamaan regresi linier berganda Y = 42.751 + 0,619X1 + 0.236X2 + e. Hasil uji t dan uji F menunjukkan penggunaan smartphone dan sistem pembelajaran daring berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswa prodi S1 Manajemen FEB Universitas Dharma Andalas pada tingkat signifikansi 5%. Korelasi penggunaan smartphone dan sistem pembelajaran daring dengan prestasi belajar sedang (0.683) dan penggunaan smartphone, sistem prestasi belajar daring mampu menjelaskan prestasi belajar mahasiswa prodi S1 Manajemen FEB Universitas Dharma Andalas 0.517 sisanya 48.33 dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam model penelitian.
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